Saturday, 29 October 2011

Hacking News World Call Pakistani Website Hacked

The official website of world call forum is now hacked yeah its true it hacked by group named Ro0t_d3vil   (I.C.A ).The Indian under cover recently found venerability is site of World Call and its forum the Indian hackers attacked the site and showed a message in which looks like this

The hacked site of world call was recently attacked by another Indian group named as "black t3arS"  the black stars has hacked them before

After searching for the hacker i have finally got his Facebook profile

Sahil Mahajan C|EH 

Hacked Site:-

MISSION COMPLETED in the end of the website it says...... The ethical hacker is involved in hacking many other Pakistani websites

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Candidates List Bangladesh M.B.B.S/ B.D.S Scholarships Program For Year 2012

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (S.A.A.R.C) the cooperation was made on December 8, 1985 by countries of south Asia named as Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka the main aim of S.A.A.R.C is to develop the region of south Asia economically and make it a better country.

The latest scholarship program by the organisation of N.T.S the national testing service after common wealth this is another project for students who wanna study abroad the scholarship for medical student will be given to the deserved students who passes the test with good aggregate.

The yet another scholarship project by S.A.A.R.C is M.B.B.S / B.D.S admission in various universities of Bangladesh which was former Pakistan the medical entrance test for medical seats that are reserved for Pakistani students are now on offer to the successful candidates who passes the test of N.T.S latest project named as Admission in Bangladesh for medical seats in various colleges in the year of 2011.

Admissions of Pakistani Students in M.B.B.S / B.D.S Course in Bangladesh Medical Colleges for Academic Year 2012 on Self-Finance Basis Under S.A.A.R.C Quota.

Provisional List of Candidates for scholarship for the entry test which will be held by N.T.S on Sunday, 20th November 2011 the test are usually held by N.T.S on Sundays.

Test Date of Pakistani admission test for M.B.B.S and B.D.S in Bangladesh: Sunday, 20th November 2011

The candidates that will appear in the test is now uploaded to the N.T.S official website

Click the red link below

CANDIDATES LIST OF M.B.B.S / B.D.S COURSE ADMISSION TEST N.TS TEST DATE SUNDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2011If you are having trouble finding the roll no then you may wanna comment in the comment box below we will try our best to help you find your roll no.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Cristiano Ronaldo Karate Kick GOAL

Malaga vs Real Madrid a free kick is offered by the referee of the match to Real Madrid players and as the ball reaches to Christiano Ronaldo he produces a wonderful back kick and score a goal the back heel kick a karate move inspired by i don't know and trained by who this is also unknown but he produced like a pro boom right on the money, the goal keeper in the video never expected it as you can see it in the video


And in this match Real Madrid just beat the hell out of Malaga defeating them 4-0 a pretty easy win with a hat trick of Christiano Ronaldo in just 14 Minutes.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

2011 Result Entry test Bolan Medical College, Quetta

The Bolan Medical college recently on 23rd of October 2011 took test of entry test for admission in the year of two thousand eleven the entrance of undergraduates to the college will be on the merit of the result, the candidates whose aggregates is maximum and the candidates who are on top of the merit list will be awarded admission.

N.T.S Test of Bolan medical college was held on Sunday, 23rd October 2011 and the answer key are out now to view your answer key with respect to the color you should click the color that matches with your question paper given in the entry test

The national testing organisation on twenty third of October took the test from the students who were interested in the admission of Bolan Medical College Quetta which is located in Baluchistan.

The N.T.S has announced the answer key for the test and soon will announce the result of medical college of Bolan.

answer Keys for entry test of bolan medical college admission 2011: ( Click any of the Book Color of the given question paper below for the Answer Key )

Please click the link which matches your question paper color.






Or if you wanna search by roll no then you may wanna just click the link below to see the full result 


N.T.S ADMISSION Test Result SESSION 2011-2012

This is provisional Result of 
Bolan Medical College N.T.S Test was held on: Sunday, 23rd October 2011


Your comments are very helpful for us for our feedback on the result of N.T.S Medical Test and admission Quetta.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Candidates List Medical (MRCP 2011-II) Representative Certification Program

Candidates List Medical for (M.R.C.P 2011-II) Representative Certification Program is announced the N.T.S official has announced the list of candidates that will give the test of Medical certification Program of national testing service organisation which will be held on 30 of October 2011 the test date is fixed and the list of candidates are now available on the official site of N.T.S the N.G.O tests students of various categories in regards of the applied test.

The medical certification candidates can access there roll no by following the instruction below

Click the red link below to view the candidates list for your roll no

Candidates List Medical Representative Certification Program(MRCP 2011-II)

After clicking the link you can view your roll no by 2 ways

1 : Enter your name for roll no of test of N.T.S named as Medical Representative Certification Program(MRCP 2011-II) which will be held on 30 October 2011

2 : Enter your C.N.I.C number to see your roll no in the candidates list of M.R.C.P test number 2

Friday, 21 October 2011

Photos that shocked the world

Photos that shock the world the photos contains images of 2 person named as Imran khan who is the leader of the party which is called Pakistan Tehreek - i - Insaaf (P.T.I) chief Imran Khan while on the left we see P.L.M.N leader Mr. Nawaz Sharif you can clearly see the difference between the two leaders from the picture below

Feel the difference as the photo taker is saying in the picture the leader are born to help people and for a leader it is necessary that they are close to people who they are leading.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

C.S.S Result 2011

C.S.S result 2011 of Examination taken form was written which was held in 2010 the result of C.S.S will be uploaded to this website after the officials website of Federal Public Service Commission announces the result the F.P.S.C council has not given exact date of the result announcement date but according to our sources the result may be announced on 25 of October 2011.

The candidates who have given the test for C.S.S written examination are desperately waiting for there result to come out the candidates are encouraged to visit us for the latest on the result.

As soon the result is announced the result will be available here keep on visiting for the latest info on the result of C.S.S exam written test 2010-2011